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The Power of Yoga
Practicing yoga on a regular basis can have a profound positive effect on your physical and mental health. By combining movement with techniques for breathing and meditation, yoga can be a very effective way to become stronger, more flexible and to obtain lasting peace of mind.
Yoga is about becoming aware. It begins with awareness of the physical sensations you create as you move and breathe. With time and practice yoga can lead to a complete awareness and acceptance of your experience of the present moment. This in turn leads to a deep sense of peace, contentment, and happiness. It is this ability to be mindful that defines your yoga practice. Since we are all so very different, your expression of a particular yoga pose may not look exactly like the next person’s – and that is perfectly fine. How you look, or how flexible you are, is not nearly as important as what you feel. Following this approach to practice, not only will you become more flexible and stronger, you will become happier.
We teach several styles of traditional yoga, all of which are delivered with an emphasis on mindfulness. There is a good balance between flow and static poses, and classes are structured so that everybody can get the most out of their practice regardless of experience or ability. Classes vary in intensity. Check the schedule for more information about each. Our goal at Get Yoga is to help you establish and maintain your own personal yoga practice. We are not here to teach you “our personal style” of yoga – we are here to help you find yours!
Click Here for the Class Schedule and detailed information about each class.
The Kinds of Yoga We Teach
Vinyasa/Hatha Flow provides an opportunity to work on strength, balance, and flexibility. The focus will vary from class to class and from instructor to instructor. Flow classes explore both standing and floor poses; however, emphasize “flowing” from pose to pose with the breath.
Ashtanga Yoga is a popular style of Vinayasa/Hatha Flow created by Yogi Pattahbi Jois. During an Ashtanga class you practice a set sequence of poses. The Monday at 9:00 AM session addresses the first or most basic sequence.
Gentle Hatha focuses primarily on increasing flexibility and mindfulness and is a low intensity class. It explores both standing and floor poses; however transitions are limited.
Yin Yoga provides the deepest flexibility experience of all. Poses are held for 3 to 5 minutes and result in some amazing releases and an opportunity to really deepen your mindfulness experience. Great for promoting healthy joints, especially lower back, knees and hips. From a flexibility sensation perspective these classes can range from low to high intensity depending on how deep you decide to go.
Restorative Yoga is a low intensity style of yoga that provides the most gentle and relaxing experience. Supported by props this is an opportunity to engage in slow gentle stretching that will leave you feeling relaxed and restored. It is really great for people you may be experiencing mobility issues or who are just getting back into the swing of things.
I’m a Beginner!
For some, the idea of the first yoga class can be a bit scary. Am I flexible enough? I won’t be able to keep up with everyone else. Not to worry! In yoga we start from where we are and work within our own personal boundaries. All of our classes are suitable for beginners.
A Word about Intensity
You can choose your own intensity level at any class you attend. Always work within your personal boundaries. While it is good to create challenging sensation by assuming stretching or strengthening poses – it is never good to create pain. Remember! The ultimate expression of your pose is not defined by how you look compared to others, it is defined by what you feel within. Low Intensity classes are good for days when you want to take it easy, High Intensity for days you want to work hard and Medium Intensity are (of course) somewhere in between.
Click Here for the Class Schedule and detailed information about each class.